Monday, January 13, 2020


The marketing project was difficult.
Right off the bat this was a project that intimidated me. However I felt confident in my group because we were each good in specific aspects of the project. Gustavo planned events to promote the census, Valentina made print pieces for our campaign, and I made the videos. For our campaign we researched the 2010 Census campaigns for New York City and Boca Raton. To be able to reach out to large groups of people we wanted inspiration from the New York City census. Knowing this was such a large city, we had to research places like Boca Raton to understand how we could take inspiration from New York’s campaign and distribute it the way it was done in a smaller city like Boca Raton. The goal of our advertising was to 1) bring people together and 2) inform the community about the upcoming census. I think both of these went hand in hand with each other. Our Census Night/Noche Del Censo really does a good job in bringing people together to inform them about the census. Another way we went about promoting was through videos. Each video covered a different topic of how the census could affect weston. The first video covered education and the second one covered quality of living in Weston. 
I think this project is really going to help me with my portfolio project. This project has definitely taught me how to choose what my short film will be about. I concluded it is best to choose a target audience and find what that audience is interested in. The marketing project also taught me how to take a big idea and adjust it to something small. This means if I were to have an idea for a large scale production I could dial it down and still make it work knowing the real circumstances I’m working with. 
Although this project will help me in my portfolio project, it is also scaring me. I am very strong on the cinematography and editing side of film. As for writing and coming up with meaningful stories, not so much. Knowing that I only have myself for this project, it scares me that I can only rely on myself. Unlike being in a group, I have to come up with the idea, I have to write it, and I will gladly shoot and edit it.  I am excited to see the influence that this project has on my final piece. 
Until the next blog.


Welcome back to the blog! 2020 A Level edition!

I only have one semester left until I graduate! Since my last post, I have moved on to A level media studies, a class that really seemed like a challenge, but one that I was very excited to face. I was scared about a few different things going into the A level class. Knowing this was a more serious class that I would have to prioritize, I was skeptical about how prepared I was for this. I had heard about many of the projects that are assigned in the class, and I had a moment of intimidation where I asked myself, "Am I capable of doing this?" 
In the last semester, I have realized that I am more capable of putting pieces of work together than I thought. 
There were a few differences that I found between AS and A level. I find that every lesson taught in AS level set the foundation for projects that we have been assigned in A level.  AS level projects are the training wheels for A level projects. An example of this was our marketing project. In AS level our music industry project focused on making a marketing campaign for a made up artist. Through experience gained in this project, I was able to help make a marketing campaign for the city of weston census in A level. Another project that serves as an example is my film opening. Having made that, I now have the experience on and off the set to put together a five minute film and advertise it for my final project. Having had restrictions on most of the projects we did last year, I really enjoy that we are given so much creative freedom. Although coming up with ideas can be hard for me sometimes, it is helpful that I can choose which way to go with my projects rather than having to adjust to it like I did in A level. 
This is one of the classes that I have enjoyed the most in high school. It has taught me so much and I am very excited to finish the rest of the year in A level strong.


Here's the link to my CCR: