Monday, November 12, 2018

Genre Research

In class we are currently doing a research project to help us decide which genre my group and I want to use for our film opening. Having chosen a genre that I like to watch, this is the information that I gathered.

  1. Genre: Drama
  2. Conventions: Dramatic movies are done by telling stories that present real problems to real characters. The characters presented in these films are conflicted by themselves, something or someone else, or a force of nature.  Many viewers can find a way to relate to these dramatic films whether it is to the character or situation.
  3. Conventions (Production)-  Drama can be shown in production through the right choice of lighting, pacing, and music. Casting shadows on a character can set a more dramatic mood. Not only does the angle matter but also the color of the light, different colors help set different moods. A slower pace helps make a film dramatic because it allows for everything that is said to be understood as to where an action movie would cut much quicker. Music is a huge factor in this because the wrong music can make the whole movie seem like a comedy. The right music will establish drama.
  4. Conventions (Marketing)- Production companies market their movies by establishing a target audience to promote movies to. Production companies spend loads of money to promote their movies from social media posts to youtube ads to playing trailers at the movies. To promote the genre of drama, production companies target people that are into drama, based on who they follow on social media, the type of videos that people watch on youtube, and what they are watching at the movies. At the movies, other trailers in the same genre will play before to bring back the same people.
  5. Example #1: Moonlight (Directed by Barry Jenkins). Moonlight is a good example of this genre because of the realistic characters and situations in the story. The main character is Chiron, a boy growing up in South Florida conflicted by himself. Showing three significant points in his life, the director makes this film dramatic through the choice of pace he decides to tell the story at, as well as his choices of shots and lighting.

  6. Example #2: Whiplash (Directed by Damien Chazelle). Whiplash is a perfect example of a drama because of the conflict that drives the characters. Based on a young drummer living in New York, the story drives the dramatic feel of the movie because of how conflicted the main character is with himself and with his instructor.
  7. Other examples: La La Land, First Man, Pulp Fiction, Casablanca, The King's Speech.

Saturday, November 10, 2018


      Welcome to my AICE Media Studies Foundation Portfolio Blog!

My name is Tomas Quilaqueo, I am a junior at cypress bay and an aspiring filmmaker. My experience in filmmaking comes from making videos for myself, Habitat for Humanity, and Cypress Bay Television. I've been into filmmaking for many years and Im constantly looking for ways to get better at what I do. I am looking forward to this project because it will teach me new things that I can apply to all of my future projects in film.
 This feels weird to me because I've never had a blog before. I made this blog to document all of my progress in making this film opening. This is a very exciting project for me because I know I will learn a lot, not only from what I do correctly but from all of the mistakes I will make along the way. My videos have always leaned more towards the aesthetic than the meaning. Through this project I hope to learn a lot along the way to apply it to my style of filmmaking to create a meaningful film opening.

My group and I have not been able to decide exactly what we want for this film opening yet, but with further research and brainstorming I'm confident that we will make something great that appeals to many different audiences. After this post my blog will be entirely about my process of making this film opening. I hope to look back at this and see how much progress I have made not just with the film opening but with the filmmaking techniques that I use now compared to when this is finished as well as the change in my ideas.



Here's the link to my CCR: